It must be quite difficult being a fashion journalist. There are, I suppose, about four main seasons a year – Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Each season has about thirteen weeks and during those thirteen weeks fashion journalists have to find new and exciting things to write about, thirteen times for each season, to both keep their readers interested and to attract lots of expensive, glossy ads. Of course, most fashion journalists are not really journalists in the sense of reporting something new. They are mainly in the business of pushing the products of those companies which give their employers the most advertising and making sure we keep on buying stuff that’s usually hideously overpriced and which we don’t need. But perhaps that doesn’t really matter as fashion journalism is just a game that cannot seriously damage readers’ wealth. If readers are actually foolish enough to believe what the fashion journalists write, their only losses will be a little money spent buying clothes which may make them look slightly ridiculous and which they’ll probably not wear more than a couple of times, if at all.

Personal finance journalists are similar to fashion journalists. They too have to find something new and exciting to write about every week. And they must try to push their readers to put their savings into the products which the main advertisers are keen to sell or into shares where the journalists and their associates may have a financial interest.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6870469


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